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What Valeter Manager Looks Like


This gives you a quick overview of business activity, any Quality Control and Timesheet alerts and the Options available to you.


The jobs to be done from now onwards.  All details readily available.  The valeters just click on the status buttons to start a job and then complete it.

To see the rest of Valeter Manager 3, just take out a free trial account.

The Booking Form is totally configurable for all the details you like to collect and you can bulk import jobs as well from other Dealership software.

The Services is where you add all your valeting tasks and various tests and conditions that minimise the chanse of erreos by your customers

The Manage Users section allows you to setup staff and customer users, and set the permissions to specify what each person is allowed to see and do.

The *Timesheet and *Valeter Attendance Modules make keeping track of you valeting staff a dream.  No more “Where is Whatsit?”

The Completed Booking report gives you a minute-by-minute overview of costs and productivity and the associated *Invoicing module allows immediate invoice generation.

We have a PUSH notification feature so you can keep all users up to date

A 5* Quality Control & Alert facility lets you get immediate feedback from your customer users and jump on any issues without delay.

Settings lets you configure the top banner with your business details.

*Notification Emails allows all stakeholders in a particular vehicle to be kept informed of the progress of the vehicle without have to be at their desk.

Valeters Pay automatically calculates your valeters pay directly from their Timesheets and/or the Completed Bookings report

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