Online Car Valeting Management Software

Valeter Manager is an online booking system for vehicle valeting companies and car dealerships which makes job bookings and valeting management incredible easy compared to old paper-based systems. With Valeter Manager, your whole valeting business is far simpler, easier and quicker to organize and manage than ever before.

Key Features of Valeter Manager

Totally Independent

Valeter Manager is totally independent of any Valeting Company or Car Dealership Group. Valeter Manager was created to give you an alternative choice of Valeting Management software.

No Forms, No Paperwork

No more paperwork to book jobs, sort out wages, produce invoices, valeters pay slips, etc. All too time consuming and costly. Valeter Manager makes job planning and time management almost effortless.

Reduced Costs

Save on all those costs associated with printing and then processing job booking slips.  Invoices and Valeter work sheets produced at the click of a mouse, or exported for your accounts software.

 Easy and Simple to use

The interfaces are as simple and straightforward as possible. Both you, your valeters and your clients can get to grips with it in minutes and start experiencing the amazing benefits Valeter Manager offers.

 Nothing to Install

Valeter Manager is your own personal online application which can be securely accessed from anywhere. All your staff and customers need to do is visit the unique web address and login. All you need is a web browser.

View Realtime Activity

Both valeting managers and dealership staff can monitor the valeting operation in realtime, 24/7. They can monitor their own valet spending, the number of valet jobs completed and view weekly management reports.

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